April 23rd, 2021
How Can We Help?
Once a client site is successfully launched, logging into the administration (management area) is one of the first questions you’re likely to have:
- How do I get to this form?
- Where do I get the login credentials?
- Is this form case sensitive?
- What happens if I lose my username or password?
Let’s answer these one at a time…
- How do I get to this form?
Answer: Unless your login has been hidden for security reasons (something discussed between you and the developer), the form is located at your domain/wp-admin. Example: https://www.yourwebsite.com/wp-admin.
You can easily reach this screen by pulling up your website and adding the /wp-admin after the address in the “URL” field of the web browser (Chrome, Safari, Firefox, etc). Only add the slash ( / ) if it’s not already present. - Where do I get the login credentials?
Answer: This information will be provided by the website developer at the appropriate time, which is typically after the site is launched and all financial obligations have been finalized. - Is this form case sensitive?
Answer: Yes, it is. If you have trouble logging in after 2-3 tries, PLEASE don’t continue to try… see the next question for more on this. - What happens if I lose my username or password?
Answer: If you’ve lost your username or password and try guessing, the system may block you after 3-5 attempts, since these attempts may be considered malicious (hacking). Instead, use the “Lost your password?” link and reset the password with either a new one OR list the old one from your records. Please keep in mind a username cannot be reset or replaced. Let us know by email if you wish to change your username and we’ll issue a new one.
Once you’ve successfully logged in you’ll see the website’s “Dashboard” along with all of the other features WordPress has to offer. Many of these features are covered through other topics in this knowledge base.
Special Note: Please be sure to logout when you’ve finished with your admin duties. You’ll see the logout link located directly below your username in the upper right corner of the screen (mouseover, or click for mobile). Thank you!